Thursday, September 15, 2011


By Dr. marsigit, M.A ; Reviewed by dwi istanto (09301241030)

The development of mathematics education can be done at two levels of macro
and the micro. At the macro level, the development of mathematics education should be
renewed vision and develop educational paradigm and completely eroded constraint-
constraints of education while maintaining and improving the quality and
professionalism and community empowerment towards Indonesia is Indonesia's New
open, democratic and united. For an educational practitioners, development
education on a macro level for a few things are beyond the reach of his thinking and
ability. However, considering the education of teachers is a critical success, then the teacher
can play a role object and subject of educational development in a way
improve the ability to educate and manage the classroom. But the fact educate
not easy because the students find that learning is not easy. Still
there is a considerable gap between educational ideals and practices in the field.
The value of mathematics can be seen from the context of the ontological, epistemological and axiological in
limits of intrinsic value, extrinsik and systemic. For a self-learners of mathematics then
The lowest value of mathematics is that if only his own use, a higher value
if math can be used for public interest. But the highest math scores
is if it can be used systemically for the wider interest. But the values
mathematics that was developed should be coupled with critical thinking because the math does not
others do not is not is the critical thinking itself. The sharpness of mathematics is able dreamy
future through a teleological concept that what happens in the future can at least
photographed through the present. Nevertheless there are still other values
relation to levels of quality. At first the quality of math scores only appear
on the outside, but on the quality of the second and third and so on then the value
teachers need to receive encouragementand assistance of the parties
mainly related Principal and school inspector, so that they can realize the teaching
well: but it is important to the role and functions of Head of School,Supervisors, and Supervisors
redefined return to conditions more conducive educational environment for teachers and
students to develop themselves. A teacher can reflect the style ofteaching
good and if the teacher flexible ways of organizing master classes,
use of teaching resources, the achievement of teaching according to student ability,
development of evaluation systems, handling of individual differences, and achieve a style
specific teaching according to need. Required a 'political will' ofgovernment
to put education back to the essence of 'educate' in accordance with
nature 'subject learners' and the nature of 'scientific', so that mathematics education is not only
viewed as something that is 'required' but something that is'required' by student,
so that students not only see the subject as 'investment' development but
as subjects that need to be developed.

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