Thursday, October 13, 2011

“How to Develop Teaching Learning of math”’

Current state of education in Indonesia is still not satisfactory. Both at the level of universities and senior high schooll. Especially in the field of mathematics. At the college level, the quality of graduates in Indonesia is still less when compared to the quality of graduates from other  Senior high school level. The students still have not mastered math. This is evident from their final exam scores are still not good. Although there are students who value good math, but still many students whose value is concerned.This is certainly a concern and responsibility of us all. Many of the factors that make the math does not develop.
 Iet from teachers, students and governments. Of the teachers, there are still many teachers who have not been able to teach well, so the process of transferring knowledge is not going well. Of the students, many students are still reluctant to learn mathematics. And from the government, created a curriculum that is still not walking and performing well.
Some of the steps that should be tested so that learning can be successful is to Various media / teaching aids, Assessment, Apperception, Student's conclusion, Cognitive scheme, Student's reflection / presentation, Various teaching methods, Various interaction, Small group discussion, Student's worksheet, Lesson plan.
 Expected after performing the above steps, learning becomes interesting and can make students interested in mathematics. And in the end produce quality graduates.

Here are some ways that's worth a try
1.         Lesson plan
A lesson plan is a detailed description of the program instructions of a teacher for one class. A daily lesson plan developed by a teacher to guide classroom instruction. The details will vary depending on preferensiguru, the subject was discussed, and the needs and / or curiosity of children. Maybe there is a requirement mandated by the school system regarding the plan.
Usually the content of the lesson plan is the title of lesson, time required to complete the lesson, list of materials, learning activity, assessment, summary, evaluation, etc.
Purpose of making a lesson plan is to design the learning experience of students to achieve learning objectives. And benefits of making lesson plan is that it can be used as a reference learning activities.
In general, the characteristics of the lesson plan is containing teaching and learning activities, learning stepscsystematically, structure learning steps as detailed as possible
2.      Student work sheets
Student work sheets is a worksheet for students both in and kokurikuler intrakurikuler activities to facilitate understanding of subject matter learned LKS (student worksheet) is a packaged teaching materials integration that allows students to learn the material independently
Student worksheet (LKS) is one of the tools of learning mathematics is quite important and is expected to help learners discover and develop mathematical concepts
LKS is one means to assist and facilitate the teaching and learning activities that will form an effective interaction between students and teachers, so as to enhance students' activity in improving student achievement belajar.Dalam worksheet (LKS) students will get a description of the material, assignments, and exercise relating to the material LKS in teaching will open greater opportunities for students to participate actively in learning. Thus the teacher in charge of monitoring students in the learning process.
The structure of LKS in general are as follows:
1. Titles, subjects, semester, and place
2. Instructions to learn
3. Competencies to be achieved
4. Indicators,
5. Supporting information
6. The tasks and work steps
7. Appraisal

the step to Writing LKS

 * Conduct analysis of curriculum standards of competence, basic competencies,     indicators, and learning materials.
• Develop a map of the needs of LKS
• Specify the title of LKS
• Writing LKS
• Determine assessment tools

LKS made aiming to guide students to a variety of activities that need to be given and consider the thought processes that will be grown on students. BLM has the function as a sequence that is given in both intrakurikuler and extracurricular activities to the understanding of the material that has been given.

 Benefits Student Worksheet
·         As an alternative to direct teacher instruction or introducing a particular activity.
·         To accelerate the learning process and time-efficient teaching.
·         Able to optimize the limited teaching tool because students can use tools interchangeably

3.      Small group discussions
Small group discussions have many benefits for teachers and students. In the small group discussions, teacher giving the test to each group. And in finally did they can interact with the other. The purpose of small group discussion is to share experiences, solve problems, Provide an opportunity for students to take the initiative and to deepen undersatnding of the material, and also can Interact and discuss with others students.

The advantage of this method is
a. Students can share information with others
b. Increase understanding of
c. Developing the ability to communicate
d. Increasing involment in planning

obstacles of this method is
a. Takes much time to do this
b. Only dominated by savvy students
c. Understanding teacher and meaning of discussion method is less

4.      Various interaction
In the classroom the teacher should interact with the students. And how to interact with teachers must be adapted to the conditions. When the whole class into a class then the teacher should interact in whole class. In this atmosphere the teacher can apply a variety of teaching styles. Once when the class into small group discussions, the teacher should interact in small group discussion.di these conditions teachers can find out whether a group is understood or not. Teachers must be able to interact and adapt with students

5.      Various teaching method

In learning, a teacher should be able to teach well. Can make students interested in the material being taught. In order for students to become interested in the teacher must be able to apply the methods where appropriate. Teachers should use various methods of learning so that students do not get bored.
If it is not bored then students will be interested in the subject. So that they can understand the matery  given by the teacher. For example: when using a lecture method, and the next day using the method of discussion. Diverse methods of making students do not get bored.
Therefore Kinds of teaching methods can be discussion, investigation, practical work, kontectual, realistic problems, problem solving, open ended, etc.

6.      Student’s reflection/presentation
Reflectivity, or ask students to analyze and draw conclusions about their own learning, often in writing, is a wonderful tool. By using reflectivity, teachers can encourage students to become more intentional about their learning. Reflection is also a very good assessment of the class - the teacher can use to measure student learning and revise their lesson plans in accordance
Reflection is important in learning. With reflection teachers can find out whether students have understood the material provided or not.
For example. The teacher divides the class into several groups and their members work. After that ask them to present to the class so they can compare their answers and can eventually find a new logic.

7.      Cognitive schema
Cognitive schema is a knowledge of the concepts tertentu.Skema contain features or attributes associated with the membership categories The scheme is a concept that helps interpret information. Cognitive schemes contain lesson concept or framework that helps organize and interpret the material. With cognitive scheme, the teacher can organize knowledge about the conceps easily.
but Mentals framework but these also cause us to exclude pertinent information in favor of information That confirmed our ideas. Sckema can Contribute to stereotypes make it Difficult to retain new information That does not conform to our established scheme.

8.      Student conclution
 Conclusion does not belong to teachers. Because the conclusions are the property of the student. Let the student deduce about what they can. Teachers should not give the conclusion first. Teachers should allow students to think first. Example case, at the end of one of the explanations the teacher asks students to infer the class, if not perfect other students are required to complete it to perfection. And new teachers to comment on when the conclusion is almost true or conclusions students farther away from the real conclusion.

9.      Apperception
Apperception as a general term for all mental processes in which the presentation was brought to the relationship with existing mental conception and systematic, and thus classified, described, or, in other words, understood, such a phenomenon is explained in the light of new scientific phenomena that have been analyzed and are classified. Intelligent life all human beings, consciously or unconsciously, prosesapersepsi, as much as any act involving attention appercipient process
Apperception in the class is about what teachers and students to prepare what will do  in learning. apperception belongs to students, teacher just help the students to construct their understanding about the topic. How the teacher can make an apperception of student? The teacher ask some students to answer his question and the student answer it as far as they understand about the topic. The teacher also show a few works from many students in front of the class, so the other students can see there are a lot of ways and point of view to solve the problem.
10.  Assessment
Assessment is very important in learning. Because the assessments teachers can find out the value of the students. And from the value that teachers can know whether the student understood the material or not.

In the assessment, many aspects are assessed. Among them
1. Active students in the classroom
2. Ability to do about
3. Attitude when learning in the classroom
4. And much more

By knowing the value of student teachers can choose the learning method to be used at the next meeting.
the assesment having aim to asses or to record student’s achievement continually and involve many aspects of students competencies like cognitive, afective and also psychomoyorics.

11.  Various media/teaching aids
In learning the teacher must be creative so that students are not bored. Learning to use the media is one method that can make learning is not boring. Because the medium of learning to be interesting. Media can help students to understand the material.
Teaching aids is tools used by teachers as facilitators learning to help students improve their skills and knowledge, to illustrate the material, and to make student’s understanding easily
There are many kinds of media or teaching aids like video, audio, powerpoint presentation or other teaching aids like replica of cube or the others. In this case, teacher as facilitator just helping student to understand the lesson.
The aim  in learning that using teaching aids is to provide variety of activities, learning method, and different learning atmosphere.
Learning to use the media have a lot of obstacles. Among them:
1. Requires a lot of time
2. Requires creativity and skills of teachers
3. Requires a lot of expenses
4.  the school's commitment

Thus had a number of ways that teachers should be tested. So that learning becomes boring and not interesting. So if learning would attract students like mathematics. And may ultimately produce graduates with good quality

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