Thursday, January 12, 2012

How to Promote International Level of Schooling if I were Head of local Government of Educational Affair

Dwi Istanto
Pendidikan Matematika SUbsidi 2009

International level school is a school of international standards. Of these international schools should have a better quality of schools that are not international. Currently in Indonesia, the phenomenon of international school was rampant. A lot of schools that were once national standards are now trying to become the international school. competing schools race to become the international school.

Increasing schools are vying to become the international school makes the competition more stringent. So the selection process must be rigorous. In order for an elected school international school is a school that has really good quality compared to other schools. Process selection is done by the relevant stakeholders in the Ministry of Education. One of the important positions in coaching and assessment is the Head of Local Government Affairs Education.

If I was the Head of Local Government Affairs Education, of course I will support schools to become an international school. Due to the international status of the school to be good quality schools. but that school did not disappoint the international status, then the selection process should really be accountable. Once the school has become an international school, then I will help develop school facilities so that the learning activities to be smooth. In addition I will also continue to provide guidance and continue to monitor the activities of the school.

If I was the Head of Local Government Affairs Education, my efforts to promote international standard schools, among others:
1. Provide motivation to the motivation that has not been an international school to become an international school
2. Promoting international school premises pamphlets, billboards, etc.. That the international school is a good school.
3. Promoting international school over the internet
4. Held an event to support international schools that can be known. Such as exhibitions, seminars, etc.
5. Establish a body charged with promoting international school

Wednesday, January 11, 2012


By : Dr. Marsigit, MA
Reviewed by Dwi Istanto(09301241030)

Realistic Mathematics emphasizes the construction of the context of
concrete objects as a starting point for students to acquire mathematical
concepts. Concrete objects and environment objects can be used as a
context for learning mathematics in building mathematical connections
through social interaction. Concrete objects manipulated by the student
within the framework of efforts to support students in the process
mathematics concrete to the abstract. Students should be given opportunities
to construct and produce mathematics in a manner and language of their own.
Necessary activities so that the reflection of social activity can occur
integration and strengthening of relations between subjects in understanding
the structure of mathematics.
Reflecting the above activities in learning the Numbers Fractions through
PMRI presumably can be concluded:
1. Students should be given opportunities to explore and reflect on
alternative concepts about ideas that affect learning fractions later.
2. Students should be given opportunities to explore and acquire new
knowledge about fractions by establishing that knowledge to himself.
3. Students should be given opportunities to acquire knowledge as a
process of change that includes the addition, creation, modification,
refinement, and rejection realignment.
4. Students should be given opportunities to acquire new knowledge of
fractions built by students for itself derived from a set of diverse
5. Students should be given opportunities to understand, and implement
work fractions.
Teachers need to revitalize itself so that:
1. Sate himself as a facilitator
2. Able to develop an interactive learning
3. Being able to provide the opportunity for students to be active.
4. Able to develop curriculum and syllabus and curriculum actively
associate with the real world, both physically and socially.
5. Able to develop learning scenarios:
a. Interaction scheme: Classical, Group Discussion,
Individual Activities
b. Scheme Achieving Competency: Motivation, Attitude, Knowledge,
Skill, and Experience


by Dr. Marsigit, M.A
Reviewed by Dwi Istanto(09301241030)

 dalam pembelajaran guru harus memfasilitasi siswa untuk mengembangkan kreatifitasnya dan kompetensinya.
Sesuai dengan paradigma baru dalam mengajar, seorang guru harus memfasilitasi siswa mereka untuk mengembangkan kompetensinya dalam matematika.
Olehkarena iti, dalam upaya meningkatkan pemahaman siswa smp mengenaipecahan, bapak marsigit membuat sebuah modul.
Ada beberapa petunjuk untuk guru atau calon guru untuk menggunakan modul ini dalam kasus metode sebagai berikut: Orientasi Dunia Matematika, Bahan Model, Membangun Hubungan Matematika, dan Notasi Formal.
Modul ini terbagi menjadi 6 bab, yaitu:
Bab 1 berisi tentang konsep pecahan, meliputi pengantar pecahan, perhitungan pecahan, bentuk ilmiah pecahan, pembulatan dari pecahan desimal.
Bab 2 berisi tentang membandingkan dan mengurutkan pecahan,
Bab 3 berisi tentang desimal,
Bab 4 berisi tentang persen dan per mil,
Bab 5 berisi tentang pengoperasian pecahan, seperti penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan yang sama, penjumlahan dan pengurangan pecahan yang tidak sama, perkalian dan pembagian.
Bab 6 berisi tentang notasi ilmiah (scientific notation), pembulatan desimal.
Modul ini juga dilengkapi dengan standar kompetensi, kompetensi dasar, strategi mengajar dalam setiap babnya sehingga dapat mempemudah guru atau calon guru dalam mengajar.

Semoga modul ini dapat membantu para guru dan siswa  dalam pembelajaran

ebglish28 (Kegiatan Penelitian Sebagai Usaha Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Matematika)

Kegiatan Penelitian Sebagai Usaha Untuk Meningkatkan Profesionalisme Guru Matematika
By : Drs. Marsigit MA
Reviewed by Dwi Istanto(09301241030)

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Mathematics may be defined as patterns and relationships as in mathematics teaching and learning activities, teachers need to dosomething so that the teaching is not boring.
This thing should be done in the learning of teachers, among others:
1. teachers give students the chance to discover their ownpatterns to determine the relationship
2. teachers give students the chance to discover patterns in a variety of ways
3. teachers encourage students to discover the existence ofdifferences, a comparison
4. teachers encourage students to draw general conclusions
5. , Teachers help students discover the relationship between understanding one with understanding others.

Mathematics as problem solving activities, therefore teachersneed to do several things, among others,
1. teachers help students in solving mathematical problems, butusing the students themselves,
2. teacher provides the information needed by students to solvemathematical problems, teachers encourage students to think logically and systematically
3. , Teachers develop students' abilities and skills in solvingmathematical problems,
4. teachers help students to find out how and when to use teaching aids such as mathematics education compasses, rulers, calculators, etc..

Mathematics as a tool for communicating, therefore teachersneed to do several things, among others,
1. teachers should encourage students to identify the propertiesthat exist in mathematics,
2. teachers should encourage students to make the examplesrelating to the properties that exist in mathematics,
3. teachers encourage students to explain the properties ofwhatever is on mathematics,
4. teachers encourage students to give reasons for the implementation of mathematical activities,
5. teachers encourage students to discuss the problems that existin mathematics,
6. teachers encourage students to read and write mathematicswell in accordance with the rules that apply to mathematics.
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